Sacred Feminine Retreat

This retreat is a sacred space of practice that is full of beauty and sisterhood, connection with the feminine heart and silence, dancing, Goddess rituals, devotional singing and meditation.

As Sacred women, we discover unique gifts of each divine feminine and witness and hold her as she moves into embodying her true feminine Nature. We go beyond our own limitations by exploring the strength of our femininity. We practice together in unveiling the wisdom and beauty already present in each woman. We come together to heal any guilt or shame around being a powerful and divine feminine, open & allow and celebrate our unique womanhood. From an empowered place within, we then come together in our sisterhood to bring more light to this world.

You will leave this retreat deeply connected to your divine feminine heart and empowered with an abundance of tools and insights into how to be further in touch with your inner Goddess whilst being successful and real in the modern world.

This retreat includes:

RITUALS We will be performing long-forgotten rituals to establish the link with the divine feminine power.

DEVOTIONAL SINGING & DANCE It is more than just any dance and singing: it is a conscious voicing and movement practice -- movement that heals, liberating the feminine voice with singing, all that nourishes the feminine and which help us cultivate self love and empowered feminine living.

FEMININE EMBODIMENT PRACTICES Letting go of our limitations, releasing tension, unclenching the grip, empowering the relationship with our sexuality and body image, awakening and opening the body. This also brings about healing the shame and guilt around our sexuality, strengthening our bodies all the way to the level of the energy of our internal organs.

WILD WOMAN LIVING Embodying this magnificent archetype, that deep down we all are yearning and longing to express.

SISTERS’ CIRCLE Every feminine is a special sister of the women’s circle where we embrace each other in the totality of who we are naturally. We step away from competition and judgment between ourselves as women. We cultivate sisterhood instead. We make friendships for life. Together we grow and transform. The circle holds us in sacredness as we dive deeper into self and life.

CONNECTION WITH DIVINE/SPIRIT Time to just be with God, Spirit and Divine and allow that relationship channel to be present in us and our lives so that we can be whole and healed from inside out and find true peace within.

Call to all Sisters in the world:
Most women who read this will not join the retreat. Perhaps they’d say that they are too busy, or they don’t have the money…But the truth is, this retreat will empower you in a deeply feminine way that it will help you awaken your natural gifts of being a powerful and truly feminine woman. So don’t postpone your empowerment, sister.

You might get carried on with life and forget that you really wanted, or that you had this spark of intuition of “There is more to life, there is more to being a woman”… If you keep postponing it – then for the rest of your life, you might not get to live to the fullest or begin to even begin to discover all the hidden beauty of life in your divine female self. So no more waiting – your Divine Feminine Heart is awaiting to Rise – so Rise and Awaken the Goddess within.

When: December 2023

Where: Melaka, Malaysia (Covid-19 situation permitting)

Investment: S$1,988 per person. Now: S$1,288 (Early-bird offer until 30 June 2023)

Food, accommodation and transportation from Singapore to Malacca will be provided.

Note: Due to the space constraints in the venue, there are only a limited number of places available at this retreat.

Register today to avoid disappointment!

Email Lisa or Whatsapp/SMS +65 9431 0098 for more information.