
Coaching is the process that enables both individual and corporate clients to achieve their full potential.

Do the following describe your life now?

You feel many times that life, family and work commitments are unbalanced
You like to fulfill your dreams and goals and live them successfully but are not sure how
You have delayed for a long time some of your most desirable dreams and life goals
You feel that you don’t have enough time and energy
You are unsure of what you really want in life
You feel stressed or overwhelmed and are unsure why and what to do about it
You often think: “There must be more in life than what I do now” but do not know how to break out of your current situation

What is Life Coaching specifically about?

Life Coaching is about achieving success in your life based on your own needs and desires, aligned with your own definition of success. It is about setting and achieving goals in a way that makes you feel fulfilled based on your own personal abilities. It is about making the right decisions. It is also about the whole of your life but most of all, about balance.

Life Coaches empower clients to discover their own solutions and strategies and help them discover (or rediscover) their own unique talents and skills helping the clients be who they want to be and live the life they desire.

A Life Coach brings you structure, guidance, motivation, support, individual attention, encouragement and a higher degree of self-awareness, along with tools to use in the future. A Life coach does for your mind what a personal fitness trainer does for your body, a voice coach for a performer, and an athletic coach for a sports person.

Life Coaching helps you solve problems and build your strengths from inside out. While you're dealing with current issues, you're also building skills that will stay with you for life and take you through many more levels of excellence in whatever you set out to achieve.

What is the difference between coaching and clearing?
Coaching focuses on the attainment of specific goals while Clearing focuses on the internal enquiry (processing) of the clients to achieve insights or free space. Both Clearing and Coaching are very complementary and can be used simultaneously in sessions we offer.