Rediscover Masculity

We have created a weekend getaway-cum-jumpstart event, titled "REDISCOVER MASCULINITY: Embracing Your Four Powers”, to assist your growth and orientate you to setting up your own group with men that can support you in your life.

Why "Rediscover Masculinity"?

There are many formats and guidelines in setting up a men’s support group. Our group of men (our band of brothers), who have been together for a few years, have decided to share our experience in how a men’s group can support your life and growth.

The above image only highlights some of the common challenges and pressures we men go through in life, especially in today’s modern fast-paced society.

Many times we feel we have to do it all alone. However, having a group of men that have your back to support you can help you overcome these challenges and pressures more gracefully.

We men support other men differently from how women support each other. Having your own tribe of men will ensure you have the right kind of support as you make your way through the masculine journey.


Why are we doing this?

All of us in the team have, at one time or another, searched for a support group for ourselves. We found that there is a lack of good men’s support group out there and many are suffering in silence.

Our group of men have succeeded in creating their own brotherhood to support their members in challenging times and share the joys of the eventual successes.

We want to pass on our experience and help raise the level of consciousness of men in general - one that is empowering and focussed on personal growth.


When Is This?

Date: December 2024 (Friday to Sunday)
Venue: Malacca, Malaysia (Covid-19 situation permitting)
Food, accommodation and transportation will be provided.

What is the investment?

There is a charge to cover the cost of organisation, accommodation and food for the weekend. We will also be providing transportation to and from the venue in Malacca from Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.

Investment: S$1,597
Early Bird: S$897.

So what's next?

If you would like to attend the Rediscover Masculinity weekend or find out more, please register and we will get in touch with you shortly. We look forward to serving you.