The Truth Seekers' Intensive


Come and Drink from The Well Of Truth

For thousands of years people have sought to discover for themselves who they really are, the nature of life, and the true nature of others. It is one of the most profound and rewarding spiritual endeavours.

At The Truth Seekers’ Intensive, we will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself fully in a week-long journey of seeking union and oneness with the Truth. The direct experience of the Truth of who you really are is both priceless and life affirming. The opportunity to realise what you are actually here to do in your life is precious beyond measure.

The extended immersion in your sincere search for Truth provides a much greater opportunity for deeper Enlightenment experiences. It also results in greater openness that will impact your life in a profound and meaningful ways.

We invite you to come and take part in this worthwhile and enriching journey to go beyond the illusion of what we you believe to be the truth and discover directly once and for all the Truth of self, life and others.

The time is now and we look forward to being a part of your courageous quest for the Truth.


Historical Venue

The Truth Seekers’ Intensive will be held in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Malacca in Malaysia. The city is a melting pot of Malay, Chinese, Indian, European and other in uences.

Malacca as a city is noteworthy for her heritage hotspots courtesy of her colourful and varied historical in uences since the 14th century. Her quaint corners will delight even the most experienced traveller and promises unforgettable memories to come.

Besides her architectural beauty, Malacca is also renowned for her rich heritage in the culinary arts. Restaurants, cafes or street stalls serving all manner of cuisines including Nonya, Portuguese, Chinese and other Asian fares can be found across the city, preserving her unique pieces of history.

Malacca is adored for her laidback atmosphere and ‘lost-in-time’ feel, making the city a perfect place to settle in for a week of truth-seeking. You can even schedule and look forward to a well-deserved and restful holiday before or after the Intensive.



Dates: By application

Location: Malacca, Malaysia

Investment: In Singapore Dollars S$3,288

(Early-Bird Price: In Singapore Dollars S$2,688 if registered with full-payment upon registration)

Investment is inclusive of food, accommodation and return transport from Singapore to the venue.

Pre-requisite: All participants must have completed at least one edition of The Opening, Enlightenment Intensive or Illumination Intensive


Your Lead Guide</font color>

We have a team of leading guides and staff members who will be supporting you throughout your journey into the Truth. The team is dedicated to your discovery and direct experiences of the Truth.



Lionel Koh will serve as co-master at The Truth Seekers’ Intensive. He has mastered and staffed at The Opening, Enlightenment Intensives and Illumination Intensives since 2008.

He practices living in the ‘Here and Now’ and is answering the call to serve as many people as he can. He has an easy and candid nature with a deep connection to this work. You will find him an honest, loving person dedicated to others’ growth and awakening, helping them in their quest for the Truth.